InfoMAQ is self-auditable.

Siimmex no.

Are you looking for the most modern system for managing annex 24 and 30? You are in the right place. Compare infoMAQ vs Siimmex and see why we are the most advanced tool to protect your IMMEX company.

How are we superior to Siimmex?


InfoMAQ Auto audits your system in order to help detect inconsistencies in Data Stage and input information, saving analysis and review time.

Preventive alerts

Alerts and corrects errors in a single click, when errors are detected it is possible to correct them instantly so that resources and manual review time are saved

Custom reports

at no cost

100% customizable reports, do not settle for standard reports, infoMAQ allows you to adapt your reports to the needs of your company without additional costs

Below we show you a comparison of our infoMAQ system against Siimmex.

What does
infoMAQ do?

InfoMAQ specializes in the management of annex 24, 30 and Data Stage to comply with the requirements indicated by the IMMEX Program.


What does
Siimmex do?

Siimmex is a platform to keep track of your inventories in terms of foreign trade that handles annex 24 and 30